Sunday 29 August 2010

Chocolate Heaven

The other day I had a bit of time on my hands and a lot of chocolate in the cupboard and so the obvious answer was to make a few chocolate cakes and before I knew it I had made what can only be described as Chocolate Heaven.
Here are a few photo's for you to enjoy...

If you would like any of the chocolate cakes you've seen here then let me know.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Lemon Loveliness

This lemon cake was made for a family birthday. At first it was going to be decorated with rolled fondant, however as I removed it from the cake tin it looked and smelt so delicious that I thought it would be nice to keep it as it was.

The cake was filled with buttercream and lemon curd. I topped it with some lemon flavored running icing.

I think for me this is really the best cake. Its rich and buttery yet light and the lemon flavour means its not too sweet. The only problem is you can eat an awful lot of it as I did.

Monday 23 August 2010

Juniors 1st Birthday Cake

Recently it was my godson's first birthday so I decided I wanted to make him a really special cake.

This was the biggest cake I've made so far and the result was something I'm really proud of.

Its a madeira cake with buttercream and jam filling. Its covered in marzipan and then fondant icing.

The bear is also made from fondant so it is edible but I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to eat him.

The cake sliced to feed 65 people and went down really well. Due to the type of cake it

also lasts very well.

If you'd like something similar contact me and let me know.