Monday 6 June 2011

Gluten Free Chocolate Cake

I have not been a big fan of gluten free baking as there is a lot more that can go wrong with it. wheat free flour can not be used as an alternative to regular flour I have learnt. You need to use either ground almonds or rice flour with separate gluten free raising agents.

So it was with trepidation that I used a new recipe without testing it out beforehand.

However this cake turned out delicious.

A rich chocolate cake made with 80% cocoa chocolate.

I decided to top the cake with sweetened whipped cream and fruit to balance out the richness of the cake with something fresher.

It went down very well and will definitely be something I make again.

I think I would make two and sandwich them with the cream.

If you'd like a Gluten free chocolate cake then contact me about it.

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