Thursday 29 July 2010


This weekend I made a cake to take to a family meal I'd just got these heart cutters and embossers so decided to use them for this. I'm quite excited about the possibilities and looking forward to using them on some more projects.

The cake went down very well with everyone.
It was my favourite madeira sponge with butter icing.

If you'd like something similar just let me know.

Friday 23 July 2010

Mini chocolate cupcakes

Today I made some mini chocolate cupcakes. I iced them with some chocolate butter icing and then sprinkled half of them with hundreds and thousands.

They are really rich so the mini size is perfect. Think they'll be enjoyed over the weekend.

Carrot Cake

This week I had a cake to make for my Nans annual cream tea at church. There were going to be alot of people there who had alot of baking and cake eating experience so it was important that it should be really good.

After discussing what else they would be having I thought it would be nice to give them something a bit different so I decided on carrot cake.
However I didn't want it to look like an everyday carrot cake with nuts on the edges and little fondant carrots.

Knowing the people there I decided to go with a floral theme and make it really colourful so it would be an exciting centrepiece for the event.

The feed back was great. They all thought it looked wonderful and tasted delicious. I was lucky enough to have a small piece myself (just to check) and it really was. Rich and moist with a really creamy icing. I'll definately be making it again.

Contact me if you'd like me to make one for you!

Wednesday 21 July 2010


Last week I was invited to my godson's school picnic so I made some cupcakes to take along as I know he is a fan of them.

I made both blue and pink as I thought that would mean us girls could get to have some too. These are vanilla sponge with coloured butter icing and hundreds and thousands on top. I did some with my favourite sour sweets on top too as they add an extra dimension when you eat it all together.

We all enjoyed them very much and they made up for the fact that we picnic'd inside!

Chocolate Joy

I decided to make this mini chocolate cake as I had a guest stopping by.
It has a chocolate butter cream filling, chocolate fudge icing and chocolate curls on top. I'm not going to lie this isn't an everyday sweet but now and again we all deserve a delicious chocolatey treat like this.
It puts a smile on your face and can cheer up any bleak afternoon.

I may of had more than my fair share, I do hope you won't judge.

Monday 12 July 2010

Delicate Tea Cake

This little Tea Cake is iced with fondant icing over marzipan.

The fondant roses are a lovely feminine feature that can be made in any size or colour.
This cake can be made in larger sizes or tiered for a wedding. A message could be added or other flowers and leaves to give a fuller effect.

A distinctive ribbon finishes off the clean appealing look.

Butter icing keeps well and can be coloured to match any decorations.

The cake journey continues

Between last August and now I have been baking for a wide variety of occasions for friends and family and have recieved such lovely feedback. Everytime trying something new be it a new recipe, filling or icing. Using different decorating techniques and learning all the time. Here are a few different cakes of varying standards that have been enjoyable to make.

A very amateur attempt at decorating but truly delicious- madeira cake layered with sweetened whipped cream strawberries and mango.
This birthday cake was enjoyed by many the feedback was really positive.

This supreme chocolate gateau was served at a party and went down really well.
The filling is chocolate whipped cream.
This cake has been made a few more times since and have made adjustments to the recipe to make it even more yummy!

Valentines cake with american frosting

Strawberries, cream, chocolate and a light airy frosting what more could you want.

There have been many more cupcakes, biscuits and desserts made in the meantime and from the different feedback given it seems like a good idea to get serious about it and start making cakes for events.

From now on the cakes posted will be availible for all occasions and styles can be designed especially. I'll be updating regularly so check back on a regular basis.

The start of all this cake madness

Around a year ago plans got underway for my Nan's 70th birthday party and my Mom decided that we should each make a cake for her.
At first this sent me into a bit of a panic as I had baked before but never anything for lots of people that they would all see and eat. I made the decision the best thing to do would be to practice as much as possible and so I spent the month of july making cake upon cake. Trying different recipes, decorating them with different types of icing and getting everyone I could to try them and tell me what they thought.

By the time the day arrived I had found a recipe that tasted lovely and I could make well. The finished cake looked much better than I could of hoped and my icing skills had gone from none existentent to something I could be proud of.

The night went well and everyone loved both of the cakes and I felt that I had enjoyed the whole experience. At the time I didnt realise it would be the start of a real passion...