Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thank You

Need I say more.
A delicious thank you is always the best kind.

A fondant Iced and decorated sponge cake filled with butter icing and jam.


So I have been working with more different recipes recently.

Here I made some strawberries and cream cupcakes.
I decorated them two ways some with fresh strawberries and some with fondant flowers and gold dragee's.

I also used one of my new cake stands to display them.

The other recipe I made was red velvet cupcakes.
They have a creamcheese frosting which compliments the richness of the cake.

I decorated them with cake crumbs.

They tasted good and were enjoyed by everyone.

Bowl Love

I've been waiting patiently for the right time to christen my bowl. I got it for Christmas and love it very very much so I wanted to keep it special and new for as long as possible.

Recently however I could wait no longer so I used it to make some cupcakes and it made them taste wonderful.

I love my bowl.

School Reunion

These are some vanilla cupcakes I made for our ten year school reunion.

Say it in cake...

So cake isn't just for birthdays. It can say anything you want it to just to show you care.

I was asked to make a cake for someone who was going to be travelling back to Australia.

I thought for a while about how to decorate it and decided that it would be a good idea to illustrate the reason for the party.


Raspberry and Chocolate Birthday Cake

A while back now I made this chocolate birthday cake with a raspberry and butter cream filling.

I decorated it with fondant icing in bright colours and flowers to give it a feeling of spring or if we're being really hope full summer.

Bring on summer.

Creamy Chocolate and Lemon Tower Cake

So back at Easter I had a number of conversations with my Mom about the limited edition lemon mini rolls, it soon became apparent that she had fallen in love with their lemony goodness and why not.

So when it came to her birthday in may there was only one real option for her cake- pimp that mini roll!

So I analysed the mini roll in a very professional manner. Crisp rich chocolate, moist soft sponge, zesty lemon and smooth sweet cream. After all of my hard work I started to consider what more it could have to improve it- well for a start it could be bigger.

The first decision I made was we needed more chocolate. So I added some layers of chocolate cake and a layer of chocolate ganache to cover it.

I also decided it could be more lemony- so I made lemon sponge and added lemon curd between each layer with the sweetened whipped cream.

The chocolate panels on the outside needed to be thicker but not two thick just enough to balance out the cream.

The last addition was fresh fruit as a cream cake is never complete without it!

So there it is my Creamy Chocolate and Lemon Tower, it was light smooth and fresh and seemed to last no time at all.


Monday 6 June 2011


So Easter is all about chocolate and so the only cake to make is chocolate cake... so I made two!

The first one was with vanilla butter icing. This cake is rich in taste with a light moist texture.

The daisy decorations were quite seasonal and had butter icing centres.

The second cake was filled and covered with chocolate butter icing. Overall this makes the cake much richer.

And as it was Easter I had to include some mini eggs.

If you would like a chocolate cake for any future events let me know.

Pear and Apple Mothersday Cakes

For mothering Sunday I decided that as well as gifts it would be nice to make some cakes.

I had previously made my own recipe for pear, apple and mixed fruit cupcakes and decided to amend it to make these cakes.

The cake itself is very moist as the dried fruit is soaked for a few months to make it plump and juicy giving it a rich flavour. The pear and apple help to balance this.

These were been covered in marzipan and fondant icing.

The cupcakes were covered in butter icing which works well with the flavour of the cake.


Gluten Free Chocolate Cake

I have not been a big fan of gluten free baking as there is a lot more that can go wrong with it. wheat free flour can not be used as an alternative to regular flour I have learnt. You need to use either ground almonds or rice flour with separate gluten free raising agents.

So it was with trepidation that I used a new recipe without testing it out beforehand.

However this cake turned out delicious.

A rich chocolate cake made with 80% cocoa chocolate.

I decided to top the cake with sweetened whipped cream and fruit to balance out the richness of the cake with something fresher.

It went down very well and will definitely be something I make again.

I think I would make two and sandwich them with the cream.

If you'd like a Gluten free chocolate cake then contact me about it.


These were some more butterfly birthday cupcakes that were ordered for a birthday party.

The colour palette was decided by the client as they were the birthday girls favourite colours.

These were vanilla cupcakes with butter icing and fondant butterflies.

If you have an event or birthday coming up and need some cupcakes then contact me for details.

Its Been a While

Over the past few months I've been very busy with my studies and got behind on blogging. I have however still been baking and will upload some of the fruits of my labour for you to enjoy.

I'll start way back in march.

I had a try at making some cornbread, it was my first attempt at this recipe and turned out well however I think I still prefer to have fried dumplings.

Then I made some cupcakes to celebrate a tutor having a new baby.

These were vanilla cupcakes with butter icing and fondant decorations.